Sunday, 25 November 2012

Dream = Daydream?

I watched a movie called “Czech Dream”. So this post will be all about dream.

If made me looked stupid if I say everyone have a dream, but seriously, everyone will have a dream.
For girls: too many Cinderella story in this world, every girl will wish that they can meet a prince, a handsome, tall, rich, smart prince. Although it sound impossible but, who didn’t think about it before?

For boys: they always think that they will be a hero one day in his future( when they are still young).

But must this all become a daydream? They will happen in one day maybe in a different way but the same meaning.

For girls: they can become a princess also--- in front of soul mate. He will be a  prince in your eye no matter how worse is he in other eye.
For boys: do help an old one cross a road count as hero? Do give a seat to a pregnant women in a bus count as hero?

Dream are not daydream if you use a different way to treat it.
On the other hand, dream made you grow, even though a country or a world.

For example:  before 1956, the citizen in Malaysia always dream about independent. If they have never think before of it, will Malaysia now independent?

Another example: If we never think about to land on the moon, will 1959 moon landing happen?

Dream will be a force to success, so everyone, DREAM now.

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